Entrepreneurship from a STEAM approach: Cojines del Zaque
Entrepreneurship, Ability, Education, STEAM, Technology, EmpowermentSynopsis
The book presented addresses the correlation between STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, Mathematics) skills and entrepreneurship skills in young people and children from the Cojines del Zaque community in Tunja, Colombia. In a context where technological evolution is constant, the importance of innovation becomes crucial, also preparing future generations with necessary skills is imperative. The research focuses on the Cojines del Zaque community, recognizing the significant gap in access to entrepreneurship and digital skills education in marginalized communities in Colombia, this motivates the exploration about teaching these skills to disadvantaged children, with the aim of providing equal opportunities and overcoming socioeconomic barriers.
The work, is organized into five chapters, begins by establishing theoretical foundations that provide the conceptual basis for addressing this correlation. The relevance of STEAM education in empowering future generations to successfully confront the challenges of the business world is highlighted.
The book offers a methodological framework that demonstrates the application of tools for data analysis and sample selection, as well as the results obtained throughout the research. It concludes with reflections that highlight achievements, challenges, and recommendations for the future, becoming a reference for guiding pedagogical strategies in vulnerable communities.
1. Fundamentación teórica
3. Marco metodológico
4. Resultados
5. Reflexión
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