Ground Station Smart Network - ADSGS
Adapted hungarian algorithm, ADSGS, ground station networks, software defined radioSynopsis
The costs in satellite operations are generally not negligible, especially for longterm missions. An alternative to lower costs is to increase the level of automation in procedures whenever possible. This work proposes a dynamic and autonomous approach to small satellite ground station networks aimed at minimizing these operational costs. The proposed solution is called the ADSGS (Autonomous and Dynamic System Ground Station) and is a middleware with hardware and software components to operate in a distributed network environment of ground stations. In this work the SATNet network was considered as currently it lacks an allocation component with the characteristics of dynamism and autonomy. In ADSGS this is provided through the use of artificial intelligence in a rule-based expert system. In the proposal, an ADSGS network agent operates autonomously and dynamically on the SATNet network where the associated station components are managed. The ADSGS agent uses an adapted version of the Hungarian Algorithm for combinatorial optimization of allocation problems and responds to events such as service interruption. The proposed hardware component uses COTS and Software Defined Radio (SDR) technology while the software component uses packages such as Orbitron, ProEst, the SINTA expert system, among others. A case study is made to illustrate the main features of the ADSGS consisting of a small simulation in MATLAB with STK (Systems Tool Kit), two scenarios of satellite designation (1-tom and n-to-m) of stations in the SATNet network by the ADSGS agent.
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