Use of GIS tools in the development of civil projects
Geographic Information Systems, Geospatial Information, Seismic Vulnerability, Curve Number, Coverage Analysis, Hydrological Models, Multi-criteria AnalysisSynopsis
The book “Employment of GIS Tools in the Development of Civil Projects” covers different tools of Geographic Information Systems (GIS) applied in civil and environmental engineering, and is composed of four chapters that present methodologies and approaches for the use of geospatial analysis in the management of natural resources and risk mitigation.
In Chapter 1, a GIS-based approach is used to evaluate and predict abstractions generated in the upper basin of the Suárez River using the Soil Conservation Services (SCS) curve number method, which is fundamental for determining runoff and managing water resources.
Chapter 2 focuses on determining the seismic vulnerability of the municipality of Tunja using GIS tools. Based on this evaluation, city zoning was carried out, allowing for basic information to prioritize areas of attention in the event of a seismic event. Likewise, the study demonstrates the importance of using GIS tools in decision making for planning and disaster prevention.
Chapter 3 analyzes the delimitation and analysis of vegetation cover influenced by mining and agriculture in the Rabanal moorland, using geographic information systems. This chapter highlights the importance of conserving high mountain ecosystems and how the use of geospatial tools can provide valuable information for their management and protection.
Finally, in Chapter 4, the calibration and validation of distributed hydrological models are addressed, using the La Chorrera
micro-basin and La Copa reservoir as a case study for hydrological response and sediment. This chapter demonstrates how
hydrological models and geospatial tools can be combined to generate useful information in the management and conservation of watersheds.
This book offers a comprehensive view of how GIS tools can be used in the development of projects related to environmental hydrological management, from natural resources management to coverage analysis and risk mitigation, all for the sake of environmental conservation. Likewise, it provides useful and enriching reading for students, professionals, and researchers interested in the application of geospatial technologies in civil and environmental engineering.
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