Institutional Management Model for Research and Innovation in Higher Education Institutions in Latin America


Elizabeth Bernal Gamboa; Diana Granados Falla; César Pallares; Alfonso Marzal; César Pallares; Claudia Milena Díaz Ulloa; Diana Granados Falla; Eder Guillermo Herrera Pérez; Elizabeth Bernal Gamboa; Elizabeth Colucci; Enrique Vera López; Erika Ospina Rozo; Francisco Vergara González; Guillermo Alfonso Parra; Luisa Fernanda Prado; Nicolas Patrici; Óscar Herrera Sandoval; Sally Estay Alcaíno; Susan Benavides; Yeison Alberto Garcés Gómez; Zaida Zarely Ojeda Pérez


Higher Education, Institutional management, Research, Innovation, Institutional policy


The Institutional Management Model for Research and Innovation in Higher Education Institutions in Latin America is the result of the Erasmus+ Project, co-financed by the European Union, in which 20 universities, government entities, agencies and associations from Spain, Italy, Sweden, Colombia, Chile and Peru participated, called “Modernization of the Institutional Management of Research and Innovation in the Andean Region of Latin America - MIMIR Andino”. In this publication, the stages followed in the construction of the model are briefly presented, as well as its guiding principles and differential  elements. The model proposes a management that integrates four components: Strategic, Execution, Relational and Administrative. Reflections and suggestions are included in each of the components to be considered, adapted or applied, when deemed appropriate, within the framework of the institution’s autonomy, to improve its R&D&i management. Finally, a synthetic map of the model is included, as well as general recommendations and clues for its monitoring and implementation. It is suggested to use this model in conjunction with the Institutional Self-assessment Instrument for R&D&i Management MIMIR Andino, that can be found on the pages and


  • Preliminares
  • Modelo de Gestión Institucional de la Investigación y la Innovación en Instituciones de Educación Superior de América Latina
  • Glosario
  • Abreviaturas
  • Referencias


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20 October 2022

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