The quality impact on project management success


Jorge Andrés Sarmiento-Rojas, Universidad Pedagógica y Tecnológica de Colombia; Hernán Antonio González Urrego, Universidad EAN; Milton Januario Rueda Varón, Universidad EAN; Miguel Ángel Ariza, Universidad EAN; Luz Marina Sánchez, Universidad EAN; Luis Miguel Rosas Romero, Universidad Pedagógica y Tecnológica de Colombia; Carlos Gabriel Hernández Carrillo, Universidad Francisco de Paula Santander; Nelson Beltrán Galvis, Universidad Francisco de Paula Santander; William Fajardo-Moreno, Universidad EAN; H. Mauricio Diez-Silva, Universidad EAN; Luis Miguel Toloza Gordillo, Universidad Pedagógica y Tecnológica de Colombia; Fabián Güiza Pinzón, Universidad Pedagógica y Tecnológica de Colombia; Sandra Jennina Sánchez Perdomo, Universidad Ean


Quality, project management, sustainable development, geographic information systems, innovation, optimization


Quality, often defined as the regulations and systems implementation beholding for guaranteeing a purpose or suitability and simultaneously satisfying stakeholders' expectations, has become established as a perceptive, conditional, and somewhat subjective attribute, viewed diversely by individuals. In varied aspects, it is related to an ambiguous vision, without tending efforts to formulate interpretations not beyond a pragmatic use, focused mainly on complying with certain policies and procedures subsidized to mere requirements without envisioning the foundation around
the capabilities that can be achieved in its implementation. However, the current challenges in environments with higher requirements from
competitive approaches through the involvement of multiple procedures, equipment, personnel, and investments demanded by stakeholders and
embraced by the quality has considered aspects of dispersion in a world with greater global linkages. Consequently, these dynamics have impacted
organizational structures and are crucial in the adaptation of new scenarios, by strengthening the linkage between organizations’ performance
and competitive advantage, projects, and operations, intimately related to quality management, and allowing the improvement of overall profits and organizational growth.
The aforementioned provides a solid basis for business development initiatives, through the systematic improvement of products and services
accomplishing requirements, in conjunction with, the increase of capabilities and the management of risks and opportunities associated with the context and goals set. Accordingly, the possibilities of observation, analysis, and conclusion growth as the improvement of processes and services increase impact the scope and management capabilities in projects with greater complexity and requirements in terms of reliability, maintenance, or sustainability of the products conceived and delivered.
Therefore, "The quality impact on project management success" book compiles diverse research related to quality management, its impact, and role definition in project management. This book has allowed the
conceptualization, definition, or transmission of the application of diverse methodologies based on extensive and versatile subject analysis through visions and approaches in high impact research; and also it integrates definitions and formulations of tools (systems, processes, etc.) necessary to satisfy the identified demands to provide solutions and sufficient confidence in the fulfillment of quality requirements and objectives, with the systematic measurement, comparison of standards and monitoring of processes to configure them. Finally, all the factors involved in the organization are reviewed, through the operation, execution, and formulation,
ensuring compliance with the objectives and implementation of significant or incremental changes, through continuous improvement of
processes in quality management and project management.


  • Preliminares
    Hernán Antonio González Urrego, Milton Januario Rueda Varón
    Miguel Ángel Ariza, Luz Marina Sánchez
    Luis Miguel Rosas Romero, Carlos Gabriel Hernández Carrillo, Nelson Beltrán Galvis
    William Fajardo-Moreno, H. Mauricio Diez-Silva, Milton Januario Rueda Varón
    Luis Miguel Toloza Gordillo, Jorge Andrés Sarmiento-Rojas, Fabián Güiza Pinzón, Carlos Gabriel Hernández Carrillo
    Sandra Jennina Sánchez Perdomo


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