UPTC Editorial
<p>Each chapter in this book represents a unique facet of care: a starting point, a perspective, an option, or a version that reflects the diversity of approaches used by nursing professionals to be aware of the needs they face daily when interacting with the individuals they care for, both individually and collectively. These chapters cover various topics that continue to be of interest to nurses, as their goal is to put life at the center of their practice.</p> <p>The common thread is the constant presence of two fundamental actors: the care recipient and the caregiver. They appear in different scenarios and roles within the professional development of nursing, such as educators, researchers, clinical professionals, and community members. This constant presence evidences that, regardless of the context of practice, there is always someone else who is being attended to and cared for, someone who challenges us to recognize, respect, and consider them in our thinking.</p> <p>In conclusion, the book addresses different facets of nursing care and shows how professionals face social, professional, and individual challenges, always keeping in mind the importance of putting the human being at the center of their work. The interaction between the care recipient and the caregiver is highlighted as an essential element in all nursing practices, regardless of the field in which they develop.</p>Milena Alexandra Galvis LópezMayra Solanye Galindo HuertasOmar Iván Vargas RiveraMelissa Dayana Rodríguez ÁlvarezSandra Lorena Herrera GiraldoLina Patricia Álvarez VerdugoBrigitte Migdolia Prieto BocanegraLorena del Pilar Mesa MelgarejoLina Fernanda Barrera SánchezOscar Orlando Rodríguez WílchezCarolina del Pilar Torres Tovar Juan Gabriel Salazar JiménezNatalia Marcela Espinosa Becerra
Copyright (c) 2024 UPTC Editorial
2024-12-032024-12-03Positive Psychology
<p>Positive psychology, as a science derived from psychology, has conducted a significant amount of research that seeks to achieve a clear and solid empirical support around positive individual traits, personal subjective experiences and in general the optimal characteristics of each human being that makes living a revitalizing process of growth, hope, optimism, creativity, spirituality and resilience in the face of a complex reality. This book presents in its first three chapters the advances of positive psychology, from its historical, conceptual and application development, its contributions in recent years and the analysis of the instruments that evaluate positive psychological aspects and that have been validated in the Colombian population; likewise, the next four chapters analyze the relationship with variables such as suicide risk, body image, chronic kidney disease and stress; finally, last chapter addresses the proximity between the artistic expression of emotion and optimal resilience. Undoubtedly, this is a compilation of studies predominantly of Colombian origin, whith a clear interest in contributing to the scientific support for a new way of conceiving and acting from psychology and the real everyday life of well-being.</p> Yenny Salamanca-CamargoConstanza Londoño PérezTania Alexandra Rojas-GelvezDaniela Zamora-AcostaDayanne Nathale Tovar-GamboaElizabeth López PitaMagda Evelyn Mendivelso DíazDaniel Felipe Niño-SuárezSoraida Salcedo SantosDiana Patricia Caicedo NavarroCarla María Zapata RuedaPedro Alexis Mojica GómezMaría Fernanda Durón-RamosJavier Humberto Parra PulidoEdgardo René Chacón-AndradeSandra Milena Alvarán LópezAna Milena Velásquez ÁngelMar Valero ValeroDiana María Agudelo Vélez
Copyright (c) 2024 UPTC Editorial
2024-12-032024-12-03“I Love Myself, I Love You”
<p>Dating violence represents a concerning public health issue due to its impact on both the physical and mental health of individuals involved in such situations (depression, anxiety, low self-esteem, substance abuse, eating disorders, suicidal tendencies, risky sexual practices, academic difficulties, etc.). In response to this issue, developing and implementing health promotion and primary and secondary prevention programs is essential. Addressing dating violence during adolescence not only helps alleviate the mentioned complications but also serves as a preventive measure against the perpetuation of cycles of violence in future adult relationships. Among the most promising preventive strategies, we can find the education of adolescents so they can establish healthy couple relationships. This education should be a collaborative effort involving active participation from both parents and educators.</p> <p>Therefore, the program “I Love Myself, I Love You” focuses on managing healthy adolescent relationships. Its goal is to foster the knowledge, attitudes, and skills necessary among participants to establish violencefree emotional bonds. With this approach, it aims to fill the existing gap in such programs at the national level. This program targets adolescents aged 13 to 19 years affiliated with secondary and university educational institutions or community organizations. It consists of seven modules (10 sessions) for adolescents and two modules (two sessions) for parents and educators. The topics covered include: what a couple relationship is; self-esteem and personal worth; violence in dating; healthy behaviors in couple relationships; communication skills and conflict resolution; emotional regulation; social support networks and seeking help, among others.</p> <p>The first chapter presents the program’s theoretical, conceptual, and empirical foundations. The second chapter describes the program, outlining its objectives, characteristics, and implementation, and then details each of its sessions, forms of evaluation, and follow-up.</p>César Armando Rey AnaconaJorge Arturo Martínez GómezYolima Bolívar SuárezEliana Marcela Ocampo Rojas
Copyright (c) 2024 UPTC Editorial
<p>This book is the result of research, initially explores the relationship between various concepts associated with the Creation with the a/r/tographic practice, particularly with the role of writing in its processes and the configuration of experience as a result of the awareness on the part of the creator of the political dimension of their action. Subsequently, the text presents how the concept of Creation has been approached as an object of study from various epistemological positions, coinciding in their interest in establishing methodologies and explanations in their actions, focusing primarily on technical aspects, and downplaying the experience, that is, dismissing the subject. To refute this approximation, the text collects testimonies from some world-renowned creators, demonstrating that their processes do not recognize dogmatic models and that, on the contrary, their most important input is experience, and can then establish a series of common elements that link them. and they make their practices ritual actions far from hegemonic interests, which in turn allows recognizing in their processes the leading role of the Creation-Experience relationship.</p> <p>Finally, the book collects a series of visual metaphors that, with a descriptive intention rather than propositional,<br>allow us to compare different methodological 'models' in relation to Creation, to later exemplify some a/r/tographic processes given in Boyacá with the work of creators. of the region, which in short leads to a different position regarding the Creation-Experience relationship, but also to the search for a definition of “Creation” itself.</p>William Elías Arciniegas RodríguezPedro Alexander Sosa Gutiérrez
Copyright (c) 2024 UPTC Editorial
<p>Al mejor estilo del último Foucault, este libro problematiza el concepto Investigación-Creación, con estas relaciones y paradojas de las cuales el arte, la Estética, la creación artística y la misma Filosofía han tenido que enfrentarse a lo largo de la historia. Es decir, en una situación institucional como la contemporánea de la gestión del conocimiento de la investigación esclavizada por la innovación, el arte en el contexto mediático mundial, las diversas visualidades inventadas en el mundo contemporáneo y la industria cultural y artística; las reflexiones esbozadas aquí por los autores generan posturas críticas más allá de la polarización y la destrucción, y proponen un balance, una especie de “consenso anárquico” de acuerdo en algunos mínimos puntos de partida que permitan desarrollar todo el escenario de creación, y unos puntos de llegada que hagan posible trascender el objeto y lograr comprensiones más amplias del mundo, la sociedad y la constitución de los sujetos.</p> <p><em>Óscar Pulido Cortés</em></p>Leidy Yohanna Albarracín CamachoWilliam Elías Arciniegas RodríguezPedro Alexander Sosa Gutiérrez
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